Saturday, June 1, 2019

All the birds are gone

Robins' nest is empty, all dreamin' done today.
All the birds are gone, and the sky is gray;

Fledgling Wilbur flew the nest, then Oliver flapped away.
The yard below the nest was fenced, so mom could train & play,
no dogs to chase the fledges and make them playin' prey.
But giving worms to encourage the two who remained to stay,
accidentally drove them to claw out, dive and go on their way.
One ran toward the road, so with imitation wings & ludicrous human display,
I herded her back toward shelter in the dog & human fray.
At first panicked, robin mom & partners dove & threatened with their warning bray.
But seeing my intentions, mom's wondrous posse "joined",
and pressed the young'n' to shelter beneath a leafy spray.

All the birds are gone now, and the sky is gray.
The family she mothered, her selfless display, her partners gone,
but the love and joy she rendered, are alive and all regrets allay.

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