Monday, March 10, 2014

Vackra Svenska Flickor

Observing you, two beautiful Swedish girls called Ingrid and a friend at the Deutches Museum,
we engaged in human physics,
two college friends denying the existence of god
and senseless domestic inhibitions on a mission abroad.

We studied history, science, art and Svenska tullar,
and vackra Svenskar flickor won.

We later bought and unabashedly named an old Volksbug, 'Ingrid',
fondled her brazenly, drove our passions reckless
through luscious Europa's unquenchable body by day,
slept with the Ingrid who carried us and dreamed of embracing you.

And Wacky Am I

And now wacky am I, I thank you, mother, for the days I take no pill; the oak table that folds upon itself, a hinge, a turn, a hidden b...