Thursday, October 22, 2015

Alexander Technique

Walked past, by your place today,
in the neighborhood, you know, scouting poetry
at a bum academic show of a score of miserable poets' ego.
I looked up at your gently glowing windows
in whose light you work and share your art, expecting nothing.
At the outdoor market once, expecting street domestic garb, I couldn't find you;
but then, your beauty wrapped in glamorous dress and elegant style
shone out, not of vanity, but care.
One evening in that light I witnessed artistic being amongst
those who share your practice who shared
their talent, music, movement, and delighted in your voice.
We kissed to a soft romance several evenings there,
chatted, shared, explored --
even learned to float a perfect soft-boiled egg on water --
respectful admiring and parting, each to dream alone.
One evening, I saw you wave good night
from that perfect windowlight, and blew you a kiss,
not desiring or expecting it would be my last.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Vane,
    What a lovely touching poem and I am very honored really I am. And by the way, apart from the topic, you write SO WELL. Keep writing Vane. Do not stop.
    I hope your move will be a wonderful new chapter for you. Please lets keep in touch. You have my contact information and I hope you will use it. As for me, I am on a new very deep journey with someone I've met recently. The communication and connection surpasses even that of my first marriage. Probably the pitfalls will show up in time . They always do don't they ? But I hope I will manage my end of it with wisdom and knowledge absent way back then. Be well my friend and have a great 2016 Beret


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