64 Poems
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
And Wacky Am I
the days I take no pill;
the oak table that folds upon itself,
a hinge, a turn, a hidden box
containing nothing, a silence left to me alone;
the vaporous song echoing here from the
dusty floor of a small house
in a village like so many.
I thank you that I somehow sing
though rhythms and their verses
keep note and meaning but to me,
through the doubt that song to my self
in silence be song at all.
March, 2009
Saturday, June 1, 2019
All the birds are gone
All the birds are gone, and the sky is gray;
Fledgling Wilbur flew the nest, then Oliver flapped away.
The yard below the nest was fenced, so mom could train & play,
no dogs to chase the fledges and make them playin' prey.
But giving worms to encourage the two who remained to stay,
accidentally drove them to claw out, dive and go on their way.
One ran toward the road, so with imitation wings & ludicrous human display,
I herded her back toward shelter in the dog & human fray.
At first panicked, robin mom & partners dove & threatened with their warning bray.
But seeing my intentions, mom's wondrous posse "joined",
and pressed the young'n' to shelter beneath a leafy spray.
All the birds are gone now, and the sky is gray.
The family she mothered, her selfless display, her partners gone,
but the love and joy she rendered, are alive and all regrets allay.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Seed
I watch in 3D, yes, even without TV,
a flutter so ordinary, so extr'ordinary
because I have to watch, then dream,
travel new paths, beyond my sedentation,
beyond my education;
Every minute, every day, I remain in
Around me lies miracle, yet all is
even this seed, even this tree, even the
memory the seed hath wrought to reality.
Every vein, every root in memory, planted
by the seed to seek
the ordinary mystery in the never- and
to wet its being, to feed the self as it
grows to be, whose shared community brings forth
the corpulent beginning of a vein turned
to thousands, toward neighbors and simple place,
to feed itself, its leaves, its bark, its
invitation to share and seek its neighbors --
all from the beings who compose its legacy
with ours all in magical verse within its seed.
Though we cannot read its, as it cannot
read ours, we share the wonder of life in community, all wrought seed by seed,
reading together, growing stronger as one
and yet, only having grown through the gifts
of each other
and millions of species together from a
single seed
and the mystery that has lain before and
lies beyond.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Circumstance and Syncronicity
both this moment and infinite moments to come,
gathered become momentous, moments' preparation,
behind the glass are lost; before, become aspiration,
perspiration realized, sweat.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Bound in orbits, gamed each one of purposed lives, of loves, of incidence and profit,
Bound close by incident memories day by day.
Bound in daily wonder decades long.
Bound, compelled by physics present in our supple times,
binding somehow stronger than the potent gravity of our yearning,
distant, sterile orbits of co-incident desire,
memories, dreams and wondrous shared reality unrealized.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Someone Else's Path
I follow the curves, I follow the rules, I stay in the lines.
I may try to improve the path a bit; I may try to take its most efficient way.
And yet, still I walk someone else's path.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
My country, 'tis of thee
If thou hadst the quiet pride of integrity,
of strength and of courageous intensity,
Thy leaders all, all me and we
the people and our varied religiosity --
beliefs, intentions, focus and perversity --
could make peace worldwide without war;
could invite our friends and "enemies", near and far
with respect to sit with us without fear, on par,
asking all to share beliefs, intent, humanity, needs and more.
What do we want? Why must desire be met or "Kill!"?
Why cannot humanity forgo want when our abounding riches will?
Why do we hide behind our richly funded towers, walls and corporate war machine
Selling death, while we imagine we imagine peace, love, a wonderful world and nothing so obscene.
And Wacky Am I
And now wacky am I, I thank you, mother, for the days I take no pill; the oak table that folds upon itself, a hinge, a turn, a hidden b...
Walked past, by your place today, in the neighborhood, you know, scouting poetry at a bum academic show of a score of miserable poets'...
My country, 'tis of thee, If thou hadst the quiet pride of integrity, of strength and of courageous intensity, Thy leaders all, all m...
Thank you for joining in this journey with me. Do you hate it when someone calls some simple pencil scratches on paper accelerated into a bo...