Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Seed

I watch in 3D, yes, even without TV,

a flutter so ordinary, so extr'ordinary

because I have to watch, then dream, imagine,

travel new paths, beyond my sedentation, beyond my education;

Every minute, every day, I remain in wonder.

Around me lies miracle, yet all is ordinaire;

even this seed, even this tree, even the memory the seed hath wrought to reality.

Every vein, every root in memory, planted by the seed to seek

the ordinary mystery in the never- and unknown,

to wet its being, to feed the self as it grows to be, whose shared community brings forth

the corpulent beginning of a vein turned to thousands, toward neighbors and simple place,

to feed itself, its leaves, its bark, its invitation to share and seek its neighbors --

all from the beings who compose its legacy with ours all in magical verse within its seed.

Though we cannot read its, as it cannot read ours, we share the wonder of life in community, all wrought seed by seed,

reading together, growing stronger as one ...

and yet, only having grown through the gifts of each other

and millions of species together from a single seed

and the mystery that has lain before and lies beyond.

And Wacky Am I

And now wacky am I, I thank you, mother, for the days I take no pill; the oak table that folds upon itself, a hinge, a turn, a hidden b...